中英双语 | 苹果CEO库克演讲:在最恐怖的时刻怀抱希望|开云电竞,开云综合
2023-09-11 [25356]

【文末有福利】点击下方,加入【VOA美国之音】圈子。周一至周五更新,支持音频MP3下载至当地收听,随时随地可学习。本圈子适合听力考试想拿高分的学生;想要提高英语听力及口语水平、磨耳朵、练发音的人群:(此处已添加圈子卡片,请到今日头条客户端检察)英语周报精品口语专栏推荐(直接点击链接即可举行相识)天天5分钟,轻松读准英语音标口语喜好者必看,音标重难点突破透过美剧学英文,纯正发音大揭秘你最容易读错的100个英文单词像美国人一样说英语美国当地时间5月4日,库克通过YouTube向即将结业的俄亥俄州立大学学生揭晓了一场「虚拟结业仪式演讲」。他穿着印有俄亥俄州立大学标志的衬衫、戴着新款 Apple Watch。



他表现,乔布斯的病逝让他感应孤苦,这恰好证明没有什么是比相互之间的影响越发永恒、强大。演讲稿全文(双语)Good afternoon, OSU.俄亥俄州立大学的结业生们,下午好:Before we get to the important work of your future, I want to take a moment to consider our past.在谈到你们未来的重要事情之前,我想花点儿时间探讨一下我们的已往。As 1918 dawned, a young Assistant Secretary of the Navy, just 36 at the time, was headed overseas, tasked with making sure America’s green and untested troops were ready for action in Europe’s great war.1918 年的初,一位年仅 36 岁的年轻水师助理部长被派往外洋,他的任务是确保美国未经训练的队伍做幸亏欧洲第一次世界大战中作战的准备。

An iconoclastic poet and academic, barely 30, balanced odd jobs as a high school teacher and banker after the outbreak of war had dashed his hopes of defending his dissertation.战争发作后,作为一名打破传统的诗人兼学者,年仅 30 岁的他从事着高中教师和银行家的零工,这破坏了他为自己的论文举行答辩的希望。And a young nurse, only 20, began caring for wounded soldiers at a military hospital in Toronto. She worked ever-longer hours as a strange sickness began to appear beside the wounds of war.一名年仅 20 岁的年轻护士开始在多伦多一家军事医院照顾受伤的士兵。

她事情的时间越来越长,因为除了战争的创伤外,一种奇怪的疾病也开始泛起了。By the time the Spanish Flu swept through their countries, their communities, and their bodies, these three would be forever changed.到西班牙流感席卷整个国家、这些人所在的社区和他们的身体时,这三小我私家的运气永远发生了改变。Franklin Delano Roosevelt was carried off a military ship on a stretcher. Once he’d recovered back home in New York, he was the nominee for Vice President, beginning a career in national politics that would change the course of history.那名年轻的军官名叫富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt),他被人用担架抬下军舰。

当他回到纽约老家后,立刻被提名为副总统候选人,开始了他的国家政治生涯,这将改变历史的历程。While lying in his sick bed, T.S. Eliot began writing what would become “The Waste Land,” his poetic masterpiece. It begins, “April is the cruelest month,” and it began a movement of literary modernism that would win him the Nobel Prize for Literature.躺在病床上的那位诗人名叫 T.S. 艾略特(T.S. Eliot),他开始缔造诗歌杰作《The Waste Land》。它的开头是「四月是最残酷的月份」,并由此拉开了一场文学现代主义运动的序幕,这场运动为。

